Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Management problems

Management problem is one of the major issues that affected many industries in earlier days and even today. Problem usually comes up with time which at time can be severe. It appears in varying degrees of severity. Problem should be identified so that they can consequently be solved and this can make a difference in the world. Management problems can bring about down fall of an industry since management is the basis of good industrial growth.Thus why there are quite a number of management problems which were diverse in time prior to industrial revolution as compared to modern time. In today’s industrial management, management problems are not quite many due to upcoming technology which helps the managers to deal with these problems accordingly in regard to management.Industrial revolution changed people’s earlier ways of making various products such as weaving, making of hand tools and other industrial products to use of machines with the help of manpower to make same p roducts by use of different method of manufacturing. The changes which brought about industrial revolution are things like invention of machines which replaced the work of hand tool, steam was invented which was used in various industries to replace the use of muscles in human beings and animals and also adopting the factory’s system of operation.Therefore, due to these drastic changes, management was quite an important aspect in running these industries. In the time of cottage industries, they did not have any manager since the industries were small scale based industry which did not require any management strategies. Incase of those industries which were operated in small shop, they had managers but they were faced by a number of managerial problems.The early industries faced a lot of problems especially in management which was coupled with improper planning since the industries were quite small and those who operated them did not have diverse knowledge on various managemen t strategies used in today’s industries. There was no complexity of operation and thus why managers who in most cases were the owners of those businesses felt that they had little to do in regards to management issue in those industries.In older days before industrial revolution most of production of industrial products took place at homes which made those who operated those productions to have no management strategies since their aim was just to produce the products that they needed and sell them locally which actually did not require any management strategies (Kelvin, N., Encyclopedia of Management 2006). Producers in time before industrial revolution used small hand tools in making simple products and therefore most of their operations were quite simple and did not require anyone to be the controller of those activities since only simple products were manufactured using these tools.Therefore, when the industries started revolutionizing various problems were faced since man agers did not have enough potential to manage since they did not have these strategies. The industries started growing slowly which replaced the simple tools with complex machineries and this resulted to production of more products and since they could be sold in various markets which brought about a need to have managers so that all the operation of the industries could be managed from production to marketing of product. There were quite a lot of problems faced since there were no ready trained or experienced managers to handle the position.In early industries, the managers were faced with statistical problems since they did not have any records kept for their small industries and they did not have advanced managerial procedures which could result to keeping accurate statistics in regard to the products that they were producing. Lack of proper statistics in regard to their small industry progress did not help in establishing the progress of these industries and thus why most of the m could cease to function at any time.They also did not keep the receipt of the things they sold since they sold most of their things locally and they did not value the aspect of keeping records. Due to lack of proper or no management in these small industries they did not keep records of their supplies and therefore they could not realize whether their industries were running at a profit or loss. (De, P.K, Project Termination Process in Indian Industries 2001; 19(2); p 125).Since most of the industries were home oriented there was no complexity of operation and therefore most of the owners could run the daily tasks of those industries independently or with the help of family members. These members did not have any managerial skills in them and therefore they just worked without any guideline of operation. When the industries started to grow, there was great need of proper management since the complexity of the industry increased and therefore operations needed to be managed.Employe es in those small industries like in shop where some of the management strategies were initiated motivation since most of the work was done using simple tools and therefore less work could be realized which resulted to poor pay (Canback & Staffan, Management Consulting Logics, 1998; 9(1); p.32).Therefore employee lacked motivation since the total output of their work was low. Due to this, managers could not be able to organize the workers since they were not motivated to work and this eventually lead to low production of the products in those industries.Early managers essentially lacked management theories which cold govern them on how to handle these small industries in order to uplift their standards of operation. The managers also had low experience which made them not to be aware of some of the managerial skills which can be established in these industries. Due to lack of these aspects managers valued workers as just an object of making profit for their industries. But due to th e fact that these workers can not be programmed, they eventually developed various needs and desires which were to be met by the organization and this brought about a need to have qualified managers.Increased competition in those industries posed great problems to the managers since they did not have potential to handle big enterprises and now with the emergence of these big industries, managers had to look for various ways to develop theories which could help in carrying on with the management issues of the industries.Competition challenge by manager was brought about by the in ability of the managers to reward the employee accordingly for the work that they have done which is basically by paying high wages to workers. If managers had strategies of rewarding employees and appreciating their work, the general output of their products could be increased. Therefore, workers should be given the wages that they deserve for the work that they do since the output.Managers also lacked expo sure since the cottage industries were quite small and therefore even those who managed those industries did not acquire much on management strategies. Exposure to these aspects gained by the quite essential since experience is essential aspect of management strategies.There are a number of similarities of those problems which were faced during the time of cottage industries and after industrial development by the managers (McGee, Encyclopedia of Management Strategic: Management 2006). These problems consequently affected the industries since they have emerged to be big and therefore, lack of proper management can lead to a down fall of an industry. Management aspects after industrial revolution should be enhanced and managers should ensure that they are well acquitted with all the management skills needed for the industry.In today’s industries, management issues have faced a number of problems due to industrial revolution since the industries are growing drastically which re quires a lot of management strategies. The problem of managing new and large industries is still experienced today since new technologies are coming up day by day that make changes in machineries that are used (Nisar, Problem and Management of Small Scale and Cottage Industry 1987).These changes should ensure that the manager have vast knowledge of the changing technologies so that they can be able to manage the operations of those machineries properly. Enterprises also aim at diversifying and enlarging and this can result to a big problem especially to those individuals who are used to managing small enterprise. These enlargements are as a result of competition and therefore mangers should learn various aspects of maintaining their workers since in a case of steep competition the workers can shift to other industries which have proper management and the strategies are favoring the employees.In the case of problem solving, this is a management problem being faced in industries even today due to lack of proper managerial skills. Problems within an industry can result to poor production and they usually arise as a result of misunderstanding between the managers and employees mainly on division of duties and workload of the employees in relation to the relative pay that an employee receives.Managers encounter these problems since they usually want to realize a lot of output than the input. Due to lack of important aspects of management such as paying their employee in regard to the work that they carry out that is to exercise the act of fairness in an industry which is an essential aspect of the management skill required by in an institution or industry.During the times of cottage industries, competition created serious problems to the industry sector managers since they had a big problem of rewarding employees according to the work they does. After industrial revolution many industries came up and therefore the managers have extra task to deal with the steep com petition in various industrial sectors (Ford, Managing and Marketing Technology 2001). Some managers due to monopoly of industries do not have aspects of dealing with competitive marketing ability of the industries. Therefore due to lack of these aspects, the relative output of industry is not experienced.Some managers even in today’s industrial set up have low experience and management theories since most of the industry owners want to employ those individuals with low experience in fear that if they employ those experienced individuals the salary would be high and therefore they end up employing people with low experience or managing their industries themselves without being aware of the relevant theories which are needed in management of industries. Owners of industries should ensure that they employ individual who are experienced in industrial set up and also have management theories so that they can run the industry as per expectations of the owner.Ignorance in managemen t is one of the aspect managers of various faces during their mission of carrying out management strategies in various industries. Assuming some small aspects of management can result to total loss in an industry and this is usually as a result of ignorance by managers. For example, managers should not feel that they are quite superior to the employee and fail to accomplish some of the issue that they put forward. This should be encouraged since employees are the only people who are aware of various problems that industries face since they are the main operator.Therefore, to alleviate these management problems of day to day running of industry the new technology which has been introduced in various industrialized countries should ensure that they use this technology to manage their industries accordingly (Gordon, Industrial Development 1998; 28(3), p.157).Technologies used to manage industries include things like internet, computer and other electronic devices which can be used to m anage industries by keeping appropriate data of the country.Through learning of relevant managerial skills, modern managers ensure that employees are the core of decision making since they understand how the industry is running better. This is enabled by motivating them by giving them their dues appropriately what they deserve. Therefore, through technology it’s believed that these problems will finally end.Reference:De P. K., (2001), Project Termination Process in Indian Industries, International Journal ofProject Management, 19(2), pg 119-126.Kelvin N., (2006), Encyclopedia of Management, Michigan: Thomson gale.Canback, Starfan, (1998), Management Consulting Logics, Journal of Consulting Management,9(1), pg 19-38.McGee J., (2006), Encyclopedia of Management Strategic: Management, United State:Blackwell.Nisar A., (1987), Problem and Management of Small Scale and Cottage Industry, Hawthorne:Deep and Deep Publishers.Ford D., (2001), Managing and Marketing Technology, New York: Thomason Learning EMEA.Gordon A., (1998), Industrial Development, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 28(3), pg 134-176.

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