Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Delivery Of Robots And Clinical Setting - 1250 Words

Delivery of Robots in Clinical Setting Over the past few years, tremendous technological innovations have taken place. The field of robotics has undergone great development, which has seen robots being intergraded into important sectors of the economy including healthcare. Robotic technologies in healthcare are utilized in a wide range of function including diagnosing of patients, surgery, medication distribution, surgery, and delivery of food to patients. Allen (2015) points out that robots in healthcare are being used in three primary situations, namely communication and monitoring of patients, assisting nurses and doctors in different functions, and delivery of different medical supplies. Allen (2015) argues that many medical facilities spend a lot of money on delivery of medical supply, a function that can be effectively carried out by robots. â€Å"Robot-assisted surgery aims to offer the benefits of minimally invasive surgery, such as reduced post-operative pain, shorter hospital stay, quicker recovery time alongsi de the specific benefits associated with robotic surgery including less technically demanding, shorter learning curve and ergonomic benefits (O’Sullivan et al., 2012). Automation of such processes allows hospitals to cut down on the operation costs and facilitates efficient delivery of services that are critical for early recovery of patients. The demand for healthcare services have been growing at a higher rate compared toShow MoreRelatedA Research On Artificial Intelligence1338 Words   |  6 PagesAI is a machine programmed to think, process information, and act in a human-like way. 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